Hydrocarbon Leak Detector
The Phaze Hydrocarbon Leak Detector (HLD) is used for monitoring of the subsea environment during production. This is the most used subsea leak detection system on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and more than 400 units have been installed since 1995.
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The sensor is installed in the roof of the protection structure of the christmas tree or the production manifold. The roof functions as a collector and for this reason it needs to be tight. Because hydrocarbons (Oil and Gas) are lighter than seawater, it will float upwards and be caught in the collector. A layer of the leaking media is built up and will eventually cover the sensor window. The sensor will measure another media than water and transmit a changed signal through the Subsea Control Module to the operator topside.
Key high-lights:
- monitors hydrocarbon leakage to the Subsea environment
- field proven since 1995
- easy to install
- ROV retrievable or non-retrievable version
- capacitive sensor based on glass/ceramic-to-metal sealing technology
- no re-calibration required for the lifetime of the instrument
- glass/ceramic-to-metal sealed penetrator with bootseals
- one instrument covers water depth until 4000m
- available in stainless steel and titanium
- Electrical Interface, 4-20mA and CAN443